Martes, Nobyembre 1, 2011

USANA Doctors Peddling Product To Their Patients - Violation of Ethics

Many associates in USANA Health Sciences, Inc. try to recruit doctors into their downline. However, most doctors turn down the USANA distributor due to ethical reasons. Most doctors are familiar with something known as Code of Medical Ethics. So what ethical issue do doctors have with becoming a USANA distributor? They are the following:

The following links are from the American Medical Association's (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics:

- Opinion 8.063 - Sale of Health-Related Products From Physicians' Offices


- Opinion 8.06 - Prescribing and Dispensing Drugs and Devices

Here are a couple quotes from the Code of Medical Ethics:

"In-office sale of health-related products by physicians presents a financial conflict of interest, risks placing undue pressure on the patient, and threatens to erode patient trust and undermine the primary obligation of physicians to serve the interests of their patients before their own."

"Physicians may not accept any kind of payment or compensation from a drug company or device manufacturer for prescribing its products."

"Physicians should not urge patients to fill prescriptions from an establishment which has entered into a business or other preferential arrangement with the physician with respect to the filling of the physician’s prescriptions."

Doctors who choose to peddle USANA products to their patients break the Code of Medical Ethics. Because these doctors choose to put the interest of their personal business before the patient's own medical interest, it ruins the trust between the patient and the viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy. This becomes even a bigger violation of ethics when the doctor recruits their patients as distributors into their downline. It is all out of the financial interest of the doctor and not the interest of the patient.

How do doctors that sell USANA products to their patients keep their medical license?

Unless the doctor's patients file a complaint within their state, the practice of peddling will continue. Personally, if I go to a doctor for something and their recommended treatment is to purchase a specific brand of vitamins that the doctor is a distributor for, I would never go back to that doctor again. Would you? Most people would not go through the enormous hassle of filing a complaint. So the doctors peddling their own product never get in trouble. Ethical doctors do not place their own personal financial gain ahead of their patient's health.

Is there a way doctors can prescribe USANA products in an ethical manner?

Doctor's who want to recommend USANA product can do so ethically. This ethical option is for the doctor not to become a distributor, and to simply tell their patient to go to USANA's website and order the recommended product directly from USANA. By doing this, it removes the "conflict of interest" out of the equation. By doing this, it removes the "undue pressure" that would be placed on the patient. There are ethical ways for doctors to recommend USANA product, but the doctor cannot be financially connected, otherwise their would be a conflict of interest and violate the code of ethics.

Sabado, Oktubre 29, 2011

"Três pessoas são presas e 11 farmácias interditadas em Carpina e Ipojuca" É muito pouco diante da realidade! E na capital Recife as grandes redes? Como ficam?

"Três pessoas são presas e 11 farmácias interditadas em Carpina e Ipojuca" É muito pouco diante da realidade! E na capital Recife as grandes redes? Como ficam?

Três pessoas são presas e 11 farmácias interditadas em Carpina e Ipojuca

Três pessoas foram presas e 25 farmácias, notificadas, em uma operação da Agência Pernambucana de Vigilância Sanitária (Apevisa), nas cidades de Ipojuca, no litoral sul, e Carpina, na zona da mata norte do estado, que resultou na apreensão de quase 5 mil caixas de medicamentos. Do total de estabelecimentos, 11 foram interditados e 15 tiveram apreensões de remédios controlados, que eram vendidos de forma inadequada, com uso de receituários irregulares, fora da validade, contrabandeados do Paraguai ou mesmo armazenados incorretamente. A polícia ainda investiga o possível envolvimento de uma médica na ação.

As autuações foram realizadas no âmbito criminal e também administrativo. Todos responderão por tráfico de drogas, como são considerados os medicamentos controlados. “Em todas as farmácias vistoriadas nessa semana foram encontradas irregularidades, mas nem todas foram fechadas. Foram 16 autuações e 6 notificações, além dos locais onde havia crime”, explica o gerente geral da Apevisa, Jaime Brito.

Se condenados, os três proprietários dos estabelecimentos onde foram verificados crimes, apenas por este crime, podem cumprir penas que variam de 5 a 15 anos de reclusão. Em Ipojuca, João Amaral de Oliveira, 65, foi flagrado vendendo o remédio para disfunção erétil online pharmacy viagra falsificado e deve ter a pena agravada.

Já em Carpina, Everaldo Barbosa da Costa, 51 anos, ainda deve responder por crime de contra a saúde e economia públicas, mediante relação de consumo. Daxciane Coelho Silveira, 34, proprietária de duas farmácias na mesma cidade, ainda pode responder por contrabando, uma vez que comercializava o ‘Pramil’, remédio de disfunção erétil que teve a venda proibida no Brasil e que é produzido de forma ilegal no Paraguai.

As investigações começaram há dois meses, quando foram identificadas irregularidades na movimentação de produtos de seis estabelecimentos das duas cidades junto ao Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Produtos Controlados. Apenas em uma farmácia de Carpina, 500 caixas de Artane, indicado para mal de Parkinson e normalmente utilizado como potencializador do efeito de drogas, foram encomendadas e repassadas à população sem o devido registro, em um prazo de apenas dois meses. A média nacional é de apenas 10 caixas por farmácia em um mês.

De acordo com a delegada Maria Helena Couto Fazio, do Departamento de Repressão ao Narcotráfico, durante a ação ainda foram encontrados talões de receituários médicos carimbados e assinados, supostamente pela médica Erivalda dos Santos Ramos. O fato também configura crime e a profissional deverá prestar depoimento para verificar se há envolvimento nos crimes ou se as receitas haviam sido falsificadas com seu nome.

Erivalda dos Santos atualmente trabalha no Hemocentro de João Pessoa, na Paraíba, e não tem registro junto ao Conselho Regional de Medicina de Pernambuco (Cremepe) e, no entanto, nos receituários, a origem indicada na prescrição seria do Hospital Belarmino Correia, em Goiana, na Mata Norte do estado. “Já verificamos que o registro é de uma pessoa ‘real’, que não foi falsificado. Resta saber se a autoria da prescrição foi, de fato, da médica em questão”, explica a delegada.

Balanço - Ao todo, foram apreendidas 4.985 caixas de medicamentos, com uma média de 20 comprimidos cada, tanto pela polícia, quanto pela Vigilância Sanitária. Entre os principais produtos estão o Rivotril, Lexotan e Diazepan e outros psicotrópicos, anticonvulsivantes e anorexígenos. A ação fez parte de uma busca pela fiscalização, por parte da Apevisa, de medicamentos controlados a exemplo do Artane e do Desobesi, um inibidor de apetite também utilizado por condutores de caminhões para manter-se acordados em longas viagens (popularmente conhecido como ‘Arrebite’).
A última operação do gênero foi deflagrada em fevereiro deste ano em Serra Talhada, no sertão do estado, até então principal fornecedor de drogas controladas de forma irregular no estado. Somente do remédio Desobesi, de um total de 118 mil caixas comercializadas em Pernambuco, 102 mil foram vendidas por apenas três farmácias da cidade. O segundo polo, Carpina, foi desarticulado nesta terça-feira.

Por Ed Wanderley

Martes, Mayo 17, 2011

Kinase Inhibitor | Kinase Inhibitor Supplier | PIK-93 | kinase inhibitors

| Kinase cheap cialis Supplier | PIK-93 | kinase inhibitors

The industry of biotech and pharmaceutical can be defined as the most important one among the rest. Man is mortal and this leads to many kinds of health complications. Even the range of complications is increasing day by day. Newer symptoms are spreading rapidly and this demands more research and development as far as the pharmaceutical growth is concerned. Each and every day people face new complication regarding health and the list is increasing very fast. The progress in the pharmaceutical field incorporates a wide range of sector. From the preclinical test to clinical enlargement a constant research is going on. Just like the new complications regular progress enhances the range of solutions as well. A constant growth is going on and various synthetic problems are being solved. The progress in the technological field is also responsible for the huge ongoing success and the regular invention of drugs. Researchers can avail more facilities to get more and more success in their field. Each and everyday a huge percentage of medicines are being released in the market solving various health related complications. Such an improvement really solves various problems with new kind of diseases. Research and development companies in this industry are playing important role and they are doing excellent job in the file of enhancing the list of drugs. They are constantly trying to launch newer drugs by researching on various molecules on a regular basis.

kinase inhibitor is the recent popular molecule that catches the attention of the researchers. Companies in the research and development field of this industry are doing their research on the basis of their feasible studies. They try to get the exact dosage of each molecule for any specific drug. They try to find out the exact and maximum level of such molecules that can be protein kinase inhibitors which is an important component for cancer related drugs. Even such advanced companies are providing constant aid of various complications. A biotech and pharmaceutical company possesses various responsibilities including analytical study, physical and chemical characterization. They do their best in this job with the help of advanced laser technology, Nanotechnology, evaluation of devices. The developers are always very busy to pursuit for a new invention with effective technologies. They try to focus on the new expansion and invention just to provide more and more aids. With such serious and expertise team the industry is really getting the benefits in the form of innovative invention to solve the complication.

The research and development companies in the pharmaceutical industry run various unique pharmaceutical product development programs. Recently the focus is on the tyrosine kinase inhibitors to try to evaluate its effects that can solve incurable complications. Such growing companies try to verify the status of such components for the maximum utilization in the betterment of the mankind with a large-scale infrastructure, committed project teams, cross-functional therapeutic units and new technologies. Such companies basically focus on the discovery, improvement and post-approval pharmaceutical product services along with the worldwide dedication to quality and delivering strategic solutions for compound. The scientists and the researchers are constantly assisting customers in the development of new products and line extensions. With such an active service and expertise the companies can maximize returns on their research and investments and speed up the release of safe and effective therapeutics to patients. Discovery and progress are the two parts of the entire industry.  The researchers of the industry are constantly trying to bring out innovative chemical and biological entities. The enlargement part of this industry comprises chemical, biological and pharmaceutical expansion, drug security and metabolism, clinical research and progress, and medical dealings. publishes this post so that you can get a clear idea about the research and development sector of the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.

Martes, Mayo 3, 2011

Michael Jackson Doctor Conrad Murray Loses Medical License

See also: cialis | 

Hot off the presses... Conrad Murray, the cheap cialis to Michael Jackson who prescribed high doses of restricted sedatives pror to the musician's death, has lost his medical license in California, as a condition to making bail.  As you all know, Murray has been subpoenaed to participate in the trial surrounding the death of the King of Pop.  This news comes on the same day that the coroner officially declares Michael Jackson's death a homicide.  This dude is in TROUBLE.

Conrad Murray in L.A.